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12-3-12 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes
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Size: 1.3M
Last Updated: 2012/12/5



1.      Call to Order: Chair Bernie Corona called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

2.      Roll Call:
Present: Bernie Corona, Kirk Allison, Linda Carrasquillo, Vincent Parys, Paul Barry
Absent: Dominic Fulco, Jr., Mary-Ann Roczynski, David Whalen
Excused: J. Roger Pelletier

3.      Approval of Minutes:
November 5, 2012  –  Upon a motion by Paul Barry seconded by Vinny Parys, the Commission voted to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2012 meeting. Motion carried.

4.      Old Business:
  • Bicentennial Square – Vinny will speak to Police and Fire Chiefs again and try to get a letter of support and may try to get letters from other veterans organizations also.  He will try and get letters of support from them.  The Commission would still like to have a joint meeting with Patriotic Commission to discuss before bringing to the Mayor and Town Council for consideration.  Bernie will approach the Chair of the Patriotic Commission at the next meeting to try and schedule.  Other towns have dedicated areas for memorials for veterans and East Hartford should consider this recommendation. He handed out a letters that addresses the purpose of Bicenntennial Square as it is today and why they would like Bicentennial Square rededicated as Fallen Heroes Bicentennial Square, with main points being: (please also see attachments)
1.       Presently the Patriotic and Veterans Affairs Commissions agree that the name should be changed to “Fallen Heroes Bicentennial Square”
2.       That separate areas be dedicated for Veterans, Police and Fireman who died in the line of duty
3.       Police and Fire Chiefs in favor of the recommendation and other Town officials who were approached said they would favor it.  Other Veterans organizations who favor the recommendation are: Disabled  American Veterans, The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars-Korean War, Vietnam Veterans of America – Iraq/Afganistan

5.      New Business:
  • Bernie passed a handout on: veteran’s driver’s license designation in Connecticut, military veterans in congress and Aide & attendants benefits.  
  • Linda informed the Commission that she may be moving out of state next year.  She will keep the Commission informed in the coming months.
  • Payment of Bills – Upon a motion by Paul Barry, seconded by Vinny Parys, the commission voted to pay the clerk.  Motion carried.
  • Adjournment – Upon a motion by Paul seconded by Linda, the Commission adjourned at 7:40 pm.

The next meeting will be January 7, 2013 in the Town Council Chamber.

Respectfully submitted,

Tatia Lewis, Clerk
Minutes Subject to Approval